Vale Barbara Richards

Barb Richards passed away on 15th March 2022 aged 86 years. She was an active and long term member of the Ramblers. She enjoyed bushwalking and particularly enjoyed camping out of her kayak. She and Caryll Sefton welcomed Dea and I to the Illawarra.

Many may remember her always trying to help people and give things away that she may need herself. She was the most selfless and generous person that I have known. She loved camping and travelled very lightly.  She had the most basic equipment and lived on food such as toasted cheese sandwiches made several days ago. However she always had food and spare equipment to give away.

She was a keen photographer. She would wait for ages maybe delaying the group to get a good photo of a willy wagtail or other bird particularly one looking after a family of chicks.

She was an excellent oil painter and loved painting derelict sheds and the chooks and cattle around the shed.  Dea and I as well as other Ramblers are lucky to have some of Barbara’s paintings on our walls.

She loved driving. I was with her when she chose the most capable manual Prado in the lot with a monster bull bar. The salesman scratched his head after suggesting a small auto hatch would suit her grey hair.

Rest in peace Barbara. She believed in God and I think her belief drove her generosity. I really hope she is being looked after in the afterlife. She deserves heaven.

Phil Prentice