Something for Club Members to Consider!

This year’s committee are asking members to think about and consider if you would be able to serve the club as a committee member. We will definitely need a new Membership Secretary and someone to learn the role of Publicity Officer. If everyone takes a turn we can keep our club running smoothly.

 Roles for the Illawarra Ramblers Club Committee

All positions on the committee will be declared vacant at the upcoming AGM.

The committee positions are:

President – Provides leadership to ensure club operations run smoothly, ideally someone who has already spent time on a committee and is familiar with meeting procedure.

Treasurer – Manages the club’s finances, has custody of the club’s bank accounts, tracks income and expenses in a spreadsheet and monitors online payments.

Secretary – Handles club correspondence, organises meetings, takes minutes and is the contact person for Bushwalking NSW.

Program Manager – Co-ordinates activities, keeps in touch with leaders, checks and edits submitted activities online and publishes them on the website.  Sends out notices online about changes to the program.

Newsletter Editor – Seeks news and information items of interest, writes articles, compiles and distributes the online and printed versions, sends out interim notices online.

Website Manager  –  Oversees website operations, makes changes to website, handles problems and queries,  monitors website expenses.  Is the single point of contact for the service provider.

Membership Secretary – Manages the online member database and email list.  Handles enquiries about the club and deals with queries from members.

Activities Recorder – Sends out and receives Activity Registers.  Monitors activities undertaken and records the number of activities and participants in a spreadsheet.

Publicity Officer – Arranges the display of posters on community noticeboards and in shop windows.  Seeks opportunities to promote the club using traditional or social media channels.  Posts photos and other information in Facebook.

Training and Special Interests Officer – Identifies opportunities to develop or enhance skills across all activities.  Co-ordinates training sessions, liaises with leaders and other training providers. Looks for opportunities for special interest days eg. wild flower photography, learning about native plants, historical walks. Co-ordinates social events such as lunches and dinners.

There are two meetings each quarter at the City Diggers Club in Wollongong.  In addition, there is the AGM which is usually held at an outdoor venue.

If you are interested in having a role in the management of the club and would like further information please contact one of the committee members.  Full position descriptions are available on request.